Donate to Prayass Parivar generously by cheque/PhonePe/Cash/Bank Transfer to help us with our voluntary work

Prayass Parivar was established in 2024 by some like minded people and youth of Beheramal with an idea for a prayass for overall developement of Beheramal in all fields- social, educational, religious, cultural, health, sports, economic, environment with an attitute of SEVA to all. It its first year of birth , Prayass successfully organized 'Beheramal Mohostav" which was a prayass to honour those who have significantly contributed to our village at different times in their respectuve fields as mentioned above. A small prayass have a BIG impact on all of us. Prayass volunteers cleaned up all the roads reading into Beheramal and spreading awareness among villagers to keep our village clean.Prayass volunteers are moving ahead to make our village a CLEAN, BEAUTIFUL and SMART village.

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